Electric Utilities

Codex Utilities serves the major transmission and distribution utilities in Brazil.

Challenges in the Electric Industry

In a rapidly changing world, the energy industry is one of the most impacted.

New contexts include decentralization, constant service improvement in addition to sustainable energy generation, transmission, and distribution.

What challenges can we help you solve?


One of the challenges facing the sector is the structure of assets and networks with different ages.


Organizations face difficulties in physical-accounting reconciliation and accurate tariff reviews.


New technologies and socio-economic and environmental contexts directly impact the business.

Codex Utilities Solutions for Electric

With decades of collaboration with Brazil’s leading electric utilities, Codex Utilities offers solutions that address the sector’s challenges end-to-end.

Asset management solution used in the field and office for network design, construction and maintenance workflows. It offers multiple tools in a single application, configurable workflows and complete integration with heterogeneous corporate systems (GIS, EAM and ERP).

The Regulatory Management Portal offers a suite of solutions that ensure excellence in deliveries related to the Distributor’s Geographic Database, the Transmission Facilities Database and other sectoral regulatory deliveries. Additionally, it supports tariff review processes, achieving greater precision in the recognition of investments in the Regulatory Remuneration Base.

In addition to services related to our products implementation, we also offer consulting focusing on asset management, loss management and regulatory accounting. We have a team dedicated to supporting our solutions (AMS).

With our solutions, you will achieve:

Greater data analysis capability
Reduced operational costs
Efficiency in management
Increased productivity
Compliance with industry regulatory commands

Our success stories


The Kaffa Espresso solution was used by Celesc in emergency assistance during the restoration of energy in the state of Rio Grande do Sul.


Check out how Codex Utilities helped Sabesp create its regulatory manual and supported it in its delivery to the regulatory agency.

Eletric Distributor

Discover the regulatory and financial benefits of correctly identifying technical losses.​

Industry insights

As principais tendências para o
setor de energia elétrica

Neste volume da série Tendências em Utilities, reunimos os principais insights da indústria da energia para você.

Are you interested? Let’s chat!

Reconhecimentos e Certificações

Strategic Partnerships

Esri Partner Network Gold

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