Water Utilities

Codex Utilities helps large water utilities better manage their assets and improve their operational efficiency and regulatory compliance.

Challenges in the
Water Industry

In general, water industry is one of the sectors with the greatest challenges to face. Whether in reducing disparities in coverage, improving infrastructure or preventing risks caused by environmental issues, this segment will have a lot to solve or mitigate on the path to universalizing its services.

See some of the main issues in this utilities sector.

What challenges can we help you solve?


Many regions have outdated or insufficient infrastructure to meet population demands, especially in rural or rapidly growing areas.


Water and wastewater companies face challenges related to regulation and oversight by government agencies, which can lead to issues of compliance and adherence to standards.

Efficient Management

There are challenges in ensuring the operational efficiency and good management of water and wastewater companies, especially in terms of reducing water losses, improving service quality, and minimizing costs.

Codex Utilities Solutions for Water

Based on solid collaboration with the sector, Codex Utilities has been developing and refining its solutions to address the challenges of this industry.

Solução para gestão de ativos que pode ser usada em campo e no escritório para os processos de projeto, construção e manutenção de redes. Oferece múltiplas ferramentas em uma só aplicação, fluxos de trabalho configuráveis e integração completa com sistemas corporativos heterogêneos (GIS, EAM e ERP).o.

The Regulatory Management Portal offers a suite of solutions that ensure excellence in sectoral regulatory deliveries. For water utilities, Codex Utilities developed PGR-S, focusing on the needs of this sector

In addition to services related to our products implementation, we also offer consulting focusing on asset management, loss management and regulatory accounting. We have a team dedicated to supporting our solutions (AMS).

With our solutions, you will achieve:

Greater data analysis capability
operational costs
Efficiency in management
Compliance with industry regulatory commands

Our success stories


The Kaffa Espresso solution was used by Celesc in emergency assistance during the restoration of energy in the state of Rio Grande do Sul.


Check out how Codex Utilities helped Sabesp create its regulatory manual and supported it in its delivery to the regulatory agency.

Eletric Distributor

Discover the regulatory and financial benefits of correctly identifying technical losses.​

Industry insights

Consumidor Eficiência Operacional
Ao contratarem soluções especializadas em gerenciamento de dados, as empresas de utilities podem colher uma série de benefícios, transformando dados em insights acionáveis e serviços para otimizar suas operações e estratégias.
Distribuidoras de Energia Energia
Confira como a solução Kaffa EGW da Codex Utilities levou facilidades inéditas para obras da Equatorial no Amapá.
Energia Energias Renováveis
No terceiro post sobre tendências para utilities, alguns caminhos e os principais desafios da descarbonização, que pode nos levar a uma economia baixa em carbono com ganhos para a sociedade e empresas.

As principais tendências para o
setor de utilities

Neste volume da série Tendências em Utilities, reunimos os principais insights da indústria da energia para você.

Are you interested? Let’s chat!

Reconhecimentos e Certificações

Strategic Partnerships

Esri Partner Network Gold

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